If you believe there are indoor environmental quality issues at your federal facility, Federal Occupational Health (FOH) can help. The experts at FOH are ready to help tenant agencies and building management improve the quality of the indoor air of occupied spaces, thereby improving staff health, comfort, and productivity.
"One of the biggest advantages of FOH is eliminating the need for multiple contracts all over the country. FOH provides services to our 50+ offices nationally. They coordinate onsite visits and perform direct consultations with our employees, who appreciate the one-on-one contact."
- Chief, Agency Safety, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Improving Your Worksite
Indoor environmental quality is one of FOH's many areas of expertise. Our Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) supports agencies in identifying and resolving environmental health issues by addressing them early through assessments and offering abatement programs, ongoing monitoring, and specialized training for employees and managers.
Protecting Workers
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that the quality of air inside office buildings and other workplaces is not only important for employee comfort, but also for their health. FOH's team of environmental health professionals can be part of your efforts to protect worker health and alleviate symptoms that are attributed to poor indoor environmental quality such as headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and in some cases, even asthma.
Indoor Air Quality Services
Our inspectors can:
- Help you avoid indoor environmental issues during the planning of moves or renovations
- Help you spot issues that may impact employee health, comfort, and productivity
- Assess your facility to ensure proper design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment
- Evaluate air and surfaces for microbial contaminants including fungi (molds and mildew), bacteria (e.g. Legionella), and allergens (dust mite, cat, dog, and cockroach)
- Determine the extent of water damage and mold growth, guide you through the remediation process, and analyze whether the remediation was successful through appropriate visual and analytical clearance evaluations
Cost estimates for indoor air quality inspections are available upon request. Contact us to discuss how we can help your agency.
Download the FOH Indoor Air Quality Services fact sheet for more information
Contact Us
CDR William Bird
(214) 551-5964