PSC offers a full range of top-level review and negotiation services for indirect cost rate proposals and cost allocation plans associated with federal grants and contracts.
Services offered to all federal agencies include:
- Professional negotiators review grantee indirect cost rate proposals and state cost allocation plans to ensure rates are both appropriate and compliant with grant terms and federal regulations
- Audit resolution on behalf of HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to negotiate overpayment settlements with colleges, universities, and non-profit organizations
- Internal review and determination of statewide cost allocation plan overpayments
Indirect Cost Subject Matter Experts
PSC's dedicated team of indirect cost negotiators include expertise in federal grant regulations, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, business best practices, and fair market values to evaluate grantee capability to perform grant activities.
Negotiators assess financial resources, review financial statements, and verify status of retained earnings and other important aspects of financial data, as well as indirect cost proposals and negotiation agreements. Negotiators further review audited financial statements of grantee (OMB Circular A-133 single audit) indirect cost proposals including computation of salaries and wages, treatment of fringe benefits, equipment capitalization threshold, lobbying cost certification, and notice of grant award. Lastly, negotiators ensure compliance with OMB Cost Principles for Non-Profits (2 CFR 230), Colleges and Universities (2 CFR 230), and State and Local Governments (2 CFR 225), identifying any unallowable costs (e.g. capital expenditures, public relations, debt, contingencies or losses.)
Contact Us
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