HHS web policies outline how departmental websites must meet federal requirements. Policies apply to all HHS Web sites (Operating and Staff Divisions).
Branding Bar
HHS must use the Departments branding bar on topic-branded Web sites (sites that do not use the standards HHS header) that are owned and managed by HHS. The branding bar should also be used on OpDiv Web pages. The branding bar should not be used for cross-government Web sites managed or hosted by HHS. The bar should appear immediately above the OpDiv or topic-branding header.
Cybersecurity at HHS
The Office of the Chief Information Officer provides resources about IT security and privacy practices.
Developer Style Guide
View the current "HHS Developers Style Guide".
Domain Names
The HHS Internet Domain Names Policy regulates the usage, approval, acquisition, and registration of HHS Internet domain names. This policy also provides guidance on waiver criteria, the waiver application process, and critical considerations. Please email the OCIO Policy Office for more information.
HHS 508 Policy
Refer to Accessibility @ HHS for information about ensuring all Web content is accessible to people with disabilities. Learn about how HHS is implementing Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
HHS Logo Policies
The HHS Logo Policies cover the use, colors, and other information relating to the HHS logo.
Information Collection from the Public
The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requires OMB clearance for certain information collections by government entities, such as surveys, polls, questionnaires, etc. A fast track process is available for customer feedback surveys relating to existing or future services and products.
Persistent Cookies
The HHS Persistent Cookies Policy regulates the usage of web cookies, which track the activities of users over time and across different web sites.
Plain Language
When writing for the web, ensure that readers can understand your content the first time they read it. Learn about Plain Writing at HHS.
Plug-ins Used by HHS
Some content on the www.hhs.gov website may require certain software and/or plug-ins to be viewable. Plug-ins are software that work with your browser to provide capability the browser may not otherwise have. Most software vendors offer versions of their plug-ins for each computer platform type (i.e., Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc...) free of charge.
Signatures on HHS Web Sites
Images of an original official signature should not be displayed, especially on a publicly accessible Web site. The proper way to indicate an official signature for a document on a Web site (when there is a requirement that a signature be displayed) is the S-signature, a signature inserted between forward slash marks.
The preferred S-signature must consist only of letters, or Arabic numerals, or both, with appropriate spaces and commas, periods, apostrophes, or hyphens for punctuation. The S-signature must be inserted with a first single forward slash mark before, and a second single forward slash mark after, the S-signature (e.g., /Dr. James T. Jones, III/).
Social Media and Third-Party Websites and Applications
Use of social media and third-party web technologies must follow the current policies that govern information and information technology.
Web Records and Records Management
The HHS Web Records Management Policy identifies Web records and specifies how long a type of document must be kept.
Web Site Disclaimers
We have a variety of disclaimers based on type of links and/or information residing on the website. Read about these various disclaimers.
HHS Privacy Policy Notice
This privacy notice applies to www.hhs.gov and a number of other HHS websites with unique domains, such as www.StopBullying.gov. However, some HHS websites maintain their own privacy policy notices.