The Notice of Award (NOA) is a document that contains information that grant recipients need in order to perform routine accounting and finance operations. NOAs often differ in format and content across both departments and agencies. For grant recipients with funding from various government sources, this becomes a burden when searching for information across awards.
The NOA – POC test model will identify potential reductions in grant recipient burden by facilitating access to standardized data needed to administer the grant and populate information collections. The standardized NOA – POC used will be for testing purposes only and is not intended to be adopted for Government-wide use.
Hypothesis: If grant recipients have a standardized NOA cover sheet for Federal awards, then grant recipient reporting burden may be reduced by facilitating access to uniform data needed to populate information collections.
Test: Provide grant recipients with a standard NOA –POC cover sheet for federal awards to populate a data collection tool. Identify how standardizing the NOA could result in efficiencies for grant recipients.
Why is this important?
- Allows for grant recipients to easily capture reporting data across multiple awards.
- Helps grant recipients locate required data information with less burden than attempting to locate the information on various NOAs.
- Leads to exploration of automated methods of capturing information, such as screen scraping, to report award information.
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