Learn Grants is a tab located on the Grants.gov website, which promotes knowledge sharing among the grants community by providing access to grants lifecycle information, grant opportunities, and application tracking capabilities.
Learn Grants fosters greater public transparency into the grants lifecycle and community engagement and is designed to reduce stakeholder burden associated with trying to learn, find, and apply for federal grants. Learn Grants also provides a comprehensive point of reference to access federal grants lifecycle information.
Hypothesis: If grant recipients are supplied with grants lifecycle information in one website, then they will have increased access to the grants resources and knowledge of the grants lifecycle process.
Test: Determine users’ level of understanding on the grants lifecycle before and after using Learn Grants.
Why is this important?
- Fosters greater public transparency into the grants lifecycle and community engagement.
- Designed to reduce stakeholder burden associated with trying to learn, find, and apply for federal grants.
- Provides a comprehensive point of reference to access federal grants lifecycle information.
- Provides clarity on the roles of recipients and sub-recipients.
- Increases potential pool of grants applicants by reducing barriers to access.
- Engages a diverse set of stakeholders and provides more comprehensive training earlier in the grants lifecycle process to help enhance recipient compliance during post-award activities.
For more information, visit Learn Grants on Grants.gov.
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