Topics on this page: Goal 3. Objective 1 | Objective 3.1 Table of Related Performance Measures
Goal 3. Objective 1: Encourage self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, and eliminate barriers to economic opportunity
Strong, economically stable individuals, families, and communities are integral components of a strong America. Many Americans currently experience or are at risk for economic and social instability. The social and health impacts of poverty can include reduced access to nutritious food; fewer educational opportunities, and poor educational outcomes; a lack of access to safe and stable housing; increased risk of poor health outcomes including obesity and heart disease; and difficulty obtaining work opportunities. The Department coordinates safety-net programs across the Federal Government; state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; and faith-based and community organizations.
The Office of the Secretary leads this objective. The following divisions are responsible for implementing programs under this strategic objective: ACF, ACL, and CMS. In consultation with OMB, HHS has highlighted this objective as a focus area for improvement. The Department is progressing in this objective, but HHS would like to enhance that progress moving forward. The narrative below provides a brief summary of progress made and achievements or challenges, as well as plans to improve or maintain performance.
Objective 3.1 Table of Related Performance Measures
Increase the percentage of adult Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) work-eligible individuals who entered employment (Lead Agency - ACF; Measure ID - 22B)28, 29
FY 2014 | FY 2015 | FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | |
Target | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Baseline | TBD | TBD |
Result | N/A | N/A | N/A | 17.9% | 01/30/20 | 01/30/21 | 01/30/22 | 01/30/23 |
Status | N/A | N/A | N/A | Actual | Pending | Pending | Pending | Pending |
TANF provides states with block grants to design and operate programs that help needy families reach self-sufficiency, with a focus on preparing parents for work. This program measure assesses how effectively recipients transition from cash assistance to employment. Full success requires not only that recipients be employed, but also that they remain employed, increase their earnings, and demonstrate a reduction in dependency on cash assistance.
ACF is committed to helping the states identify innovative and effective employment strategies and offering a range of targeted technical assistance efforts. As one example, ACF provides research on potential areas for employment and skill-building. In FY 2020 and FY 2021, ACF will continue to support state, tribal, and community partners' efforts to design and implement programs that focus simultaneously on adult employment and family well-being.
Increase the percentage of refugees who are self-sufficient (not dependent on any cash assistance) within the first six months of the service period (Lead Agency - ACF; Measure ID - 16.1LT and 16C)30
FY 2014 | FY 2015 | FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | |
Target | 69.76% | 76.84% | 83.01% | 85.26% | 84.84% | 82.88% | 81.80% | Prior Result +1% |
Result | 76.08% | 82.19% | 84.42% | 84% | 82.06% | 80.99% | 11/30/20 | 11/30/21 |
Status | Target Exceeded | Target Exceeded | Target Exceeded | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Pending | Pending |
In FY 2019, 189 locations offered ACF Matching Grant Program services. This is a decrease from 236 locations in FY 2018. ACF expects additional site closings and consolidations in FY 2020. Since the program provides $2,500 in funds for each individual served, program funding is directly linked to the number of eligible participants. Grantees access funds only when serving eligible participants. While providing services, grantees must match federal funds by at least 50 percent. ACF encourages grantees to experiment in the delivery of services at one or more sites to improve efficiencies and outcomes.
ACF expects to complete enhanced on-site monitoring of each grantee's local service provider site at least once every three years. As the number and quality of these monitoring meetings increases, ACF expects that an analysis of the monitoring data will yield information useful to performance improvement efforts. ACF continues to enforce the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) requirement that affects each site expecting to serve at least 50 clients in the fiscal year, performing 10 percentage-points or more below the network's self-sufficiency average, and performing at least 5 percentage-points below the annual national program average. Each PIP must include concrete measures such as enhanced monitoring, professional development training, reassignment of personnel, and reductions in funding. Grantees report on the progress of their PIPs every six months.
28 These data exclude territories but include the District of Columbia.
29 ACF has revised the performance measure since the FY 2020 APPR.
30 In spite of generally robust economic conditions, grantees continue to note the difficulties inherent with decreasing and uneven arrival numbers and the corresponding adjustments in funding. Nonetheless, outcomes remain commendable and ACF expects positive growth to resume as the agency works towards achieving FY 2020 goals.