Updates of Chapters 4, Chapter 8, and Exhibits in Publication (Pub.) 100-08, Including Adding Additional Clarification to Ongoing Direction
The purpose of this Change Request (CR) is to update sections within Chapter 4, Chapter 8, and Exhibits in Pub. 100-08. The updates in this CR include removing the directive that the UPICs shall not employ temporary employees (such as those from temporary agencies, or students (nonpaid or interns)), adding additional clarification for the handling of potential assignment violations, congressional inquiries, and Health Plan Management System (HPMS) memos, and revising sections in Chapter 8 in Pub. 100-08 that refer to Program Integrity contractor coordination with Business Function Leads (BFL) and Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR). Additionally, the "case" definition has been updated in the Exhibits chapter.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: July 21, 2023
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