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TANF-ACF-PI-2011-06 (New Requirement for State TANF Plans)


Issued by: Administration for Children and Families (ACF)


State Agencies Administering the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program Under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act, and Other Interested Parties.


New Requirement for State TANF Plans.


Title VI, Subtitle H, Sections 6701-6703 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) (P.L. 111-148) contains the "Elder Justice Act of 2009." Section 6703(a)(2) of the PPACA amends section 402(a)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 602(a)(1)(B)).


To inform States of a provision added by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 to the Social Security Act requiring State Plans to indicate whether the State intends to assist individuals in training for, seeking and maintaining employment in the eldercare workforce.


Title VI, Subtitle H, Sections 6701-6703 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) contains the "Elder Justice Act of 2009." Section 6703(a)(2) of the PPACA amends section 402(a)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 602(a)(1)(B)) to add the following new clause to the state plan requirements:

(v) The document shall indicate whether the State intends to assist individuals to train for, seek, and maintain employment—

(I) providing direct care in a long-term care facility (as such terms are defined under section 1397j of this title); or

(II) in other occupations related to elder care determined appropriate by the State for which the State identifies an unmet need for service personnel,\

 and, if so, shall include an overview of such assistance.

The segment of the population born between 1946 and 1964, commonly known as the Baby Boomers, continues to age, and as one of the largest generations in U.S. history, is expected to create an exceptional demand in the eldercare system nationwide. To address this growing need, the PPACA included the new requirement set forth above.

To help communities address this growing need, States are encouraged to assess whether their local communities will face a labor shortage in the eldercare field. There are a number ofindustries that encompass eldercare, ranging from home, health, and community care to long-term care facilities for the elderly and they each face an increased demand. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare services will generate 3.2 million new jobs between 2008 and 2018, mostly in response to rapid growth in the elderly population and longer life expectancies. In addition, projected retirements for current healthcare workers will also necessitate additional skilled individuals ready to enter these occupations. This wide array of jobs includes a number of job opportunities that individuals in TANF can train for and seek.

State TANF agencies are encouraged to coordinate with the respective State Unit on Aging. A listing is available at: Visit disclaimer pageOther helpful resources to explore are the Health Resources and Services Administrations' Bureau of Health Professions, located at disclaimer page; and the Department of Labor's Long-term Care, Supports, and Services competency (LTCSS) model, located at: disclaimer page, and the clearinghouse where grantee materials are uploaded at disclaimer page(visit disclaimer pagefind and put in keyword "long term care" to search for relevant grantee materials). The Department of Labor also has instructions and demonstration video tutorials on the interactive tools on the Competency Model Clearinghouse Web site at several links: general instructions (Competency Model, Career Ladder/Lattice, Frequently Asked Questions), collaborative process (Competency Model, Career Ladder/Lattice), and tutorials (Build a Competency Model, Build a Career Ladder/Lattice, Webinar: Tools for Talent Development )  


When submitting the next TANF renewal plan, each State TANF agency must indicate whether it intends to assist individuals in being trained for, gaining and retaining employment in the eldercare workforce. This can also be accomplished before the next renewal via a plan amendment. INQUIRIES: Please direct inquiries to the TANF Program Manager in your Region


Earl S. Johnson
Office of Family Assistance

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