Revised Form CMS-R-131 Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage
Prior to March 3, 2008, providers, practitioners, and suppliers paid under Part B as well as hospice providers and religious non-medical health care institutions paid under Part A were instructed to use the general Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN-G) or laboratory Advance Beneficiary
Notice (ABN-L) to inform beneficiaries of their potential liability in accordance with the limitation on liability provisions set forth in Section 1879 of the Social Security Act. Beginning on March 3, 2008, CMS implemented use of the revised Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN). The revised ABN combines the ABN-G and the ABN-L into a single notice, with the same form number (CMS R-131).
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: September 05, 2008
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