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New & Expanded Flexibilities for Rural Health Clinics & Federally Qualified Health Centers during the COVID-19 PHE

This revised Special Edition Article comprises Subregulatory Guidance for several changes to the RHC and FQHC requirements and payments for the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) for services to Medicare beneficiaries and its content is based on publically available content within at and (CARES ACT). CMS policy or operation subject matter experts also reviewed/cleared this SE Article. This SE Article educates on new payment for telehealth services; cost-sharing related to COVID-19 testing; telehealth services with cost-sharing; telehealth services with cost-sharing waived. The previous version of this SE Article is available to the public and currently posted on the CMS website at

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Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: May 12, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this database lack the force and effect of law, except as authorized by law (including Medicare Advantage Rate Announcements and Advance Notices) or as specifically incorporated into a contract. The Department may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on the guidance repository, except to establish historical facts.