#11 Question [09-10-011-1] I’ve identified that I am using two different EHR technologies to meet a single certification criterion (my document management system receives and displays summary records (45 CFR 170.306(f)(1)) and my EHR technology from EHR technology developer XYZ transmits summary records (45 CFR 170.306(f)(2)). Do both EHR technologies need to be certified?
Guidance for using two different EHR technologies to meet a single certification criterion
Issued by: Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) of Health Information Technology
#11 Question [09-10-011-1]
I’ve identified that I am using two different EHR technologies to meet a single certification criterion (my document management system receives and displays summary records (45 CFR 170.306(f)(1)) and my EHR technology from EHR technology developer XYZ transmits summary records (45 CFR 170.306(f)(2)). Do both EHR technologies need to be certified?
Yes, in order to possess EHR technology that meets the definition of Certified EHR Technology, both the document management system and the EHR technology from EHR technology developer XYZ together need to meet this certification criterion in its entirety. As a result, (assuming you are not implementing a certified Complete EHR) you could elect to seek testing and certification yourself for these two systems as an EHR Module or implement a certified EHR Module that meets this certification criterion in its entirety.
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