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TANF-ACF-IM-2000-02 (Guidance on Cooperation Agreements for Economic Self-Sufficiency Between Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and State/Local TANF Agencies)

Guidance for state agencies and other interested parties on Cooperation Agreements for Economic Self-Sufficiency Between Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and State/Local TANF Agencies


Issued by: Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

Issue Date: June 01, 2000


State Agencies Administering or Supervising an Approved TANF (IV-A) Program and Other Interested Parties


Guidance on Cooperation Agreements for Economic Self-Sufficiency Between Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and State/Local TANF Agencies

Purpose & Discussions:

To provide information about the provision in the Public Housing Reform Act of 1998 that requires PHAs to make their best efforts to enter into cooperation agreements with TANF agencies in order to both facilitate assistance in verifying resident compliance with requirements of the Public Housing Reform Act, and to establish services targeting the needs of assisted housing families.

We recognize the importance of these efforts and the positive impact they can have on families in public housing or those receiving section 8 tenant-based assistance.  As such, we are jointly issuing the attached guidance with our HUD partner to ensure that both TANF agencies and PHAs have all the necessary information to enter into effective cooperative agreements in support of our mutual goal to move families from dependency to self-sufficiency.

The Notice provides a comprehensive explanation of the Public Housing Reform Act and the goals of the cooperative agreements; it also includes a model Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to assist PHAs and TANF agencies in facilitating coordination.  The MOA is strictly a model that is optional for and should be tailored to the specific areas that PHA and their TANF agency partners intend to address.  PHAs have full discretion to use the model or some similar tool for this purpose.

Additionally, a regulation finalizing several of the provisions of the Reform Act which requires agency cooperation was published in the Federal Register on March 29, In particular, PHAs need TANF agency help to verify if an assisted housing resident’s loss of welfare assistance is due to noncompliance or fraud, to determine if a resident is eligible for an earned income disregard, and to determine if a resident is exempt from HUD’s community service requirement.


PIH 2000-11; Attachment A, Model Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Inquiries to:

If further information is needed, please contact the appropriate ACF Regional Office


Alvin C. Collins,
Office of Family Assistance

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