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NVAC Resolution: United States Vaccine Industry – Mercer Report

Resolutions made by Dr. Osborne as an addition and amendment to
Resolution on May 11, 1995

May 12, 1995

In addition, NVAC notes that in the course of conducting its study, Mercer Management Consultants, Inc., have identified a number of issues which, if addressed, could lead to increased vaccine company interest in vaccine development and to improved public-private sector collaboration for immunization. These include:

  • Perceived barriers to full involvement of US companies in international markets.
  • Opportunities for early discussion of vaccine development and use issues between government, other large volume purchasers, and vaccine companies.
  • The need for comprehensive coverage of immunization in all health insurance plans.
  • Approaches to maintaining overall national resources and commitment to vaccine development and use.

The NVAC further request the Assistant Secretary for Health to consult with Mercer and other relevant parties, and inform NVAC at a future meeting of the specific Public Health Service/Department of Health and Human Services plans to address these concerns.

United States Vaccine Industry – Mercer Report

May 11, 1995

Resolution made by Dr. Douglas:

We, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, recommend to the Director, National Vaccine Program, that Mercer Consultants be instructed to examine the data of their recent report, and evaluate the effect of differing scenarios regarding the relative loss of private market due to the Vaccines for Children program and on vaccine company revenues on research and development.